One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

One of the most secure fiber-optic networks in Germany.

High-speed internet. Broadband. Dark fiber.


BREKO Annual Conference 2023

Date: 30 November 2023

Event location: Estrel Congress Centre in Berlin


Look forward to interesting discussions on highly current topics with experts from business, science and politics.


Meet Thomas Böhlert, Christian Uhlemann, Oliver Marker, Dietmar Schlüter and Daniel Michel at our stand.


Further information can be found at:BREKO Annual Conference 2023


The commitments made by Minister Dr Volker Wissing, Minister Prof. Dr Kristina Sinemus, Minister Olaf Lies and Federal Network Agency President Klaus Müller show the great importance of fibre optic expansion in Germany.


You can look forward to interesting discussions on highly topical issues with experts from business, science and politics.


Here you will find the agenda for the Download

Your contact person

Britta Jäger-Ernst
Königstor 20
34117 Kassel
Phone.: +49 (0) 561 99858-1446

E-Mail: britta.jaeger-ernst[at]